how to blog more without writing a word

How To Consistently Publish More Blog Posts Without Writing A Word

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What will you do?

Say you are not Indian, and your new Indian neighbour accepted your invitation to have a meal at your place

You want to show your guest that you know and respect her culture by serving her a delicious Indian meal

Everybody knows that Indians love freshly cooked meals, so, what will you do if you are like me who only knows a simple roti recipe?

Obviously, you can’t serve her rotis, they have those almost every day

Scrumptious biryani and a mouth-watering curry will do, or maybe some kebabs but the problem is you don’t know how to prepare any of these delicious goodies

If you ask me, I would say hire someone to cook for your guest or buy a nice meal from an Indian restaurant then serve it like you are the one who prepared it

Great isn’t it? Some folks would say it’s cheating. I also think it is, but in a good way

At least your guest enjoyed the meal and that’s what matters

The same goes with your readers, they visit your blog to read more fresh content and they want something different from what they read on other blogs

You don’t have to starve them, so what will you do?

That’s what we are going to discuss in this post

how to publish more blog posts without writing a word
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How To Blog More Without Creating Any Content

Blogging isn’t about publishing new content only

You need to promote your blog on social media

On the other hand, you need to learn SEO

Not forgetting creating new pins and pinning on Pinterest

But your readers don’t know that, they want to read more fresh posts and that’s it

If you don’t publish new content you will gradually lose your readers

I know that’s not what you want

Luckily, there is a way you can use which is similar to that of our Indian guest example

I am not going to encourage you to steal someone’s work and paste it on your blog,

That’s filthy and you should never do that

Some folks believe that if you steal someone’s work you will be penalized by Google, and some believe that it’s just a myth

In either of the assumptions, it’s just bad and you should NOT steal someone’s hard work

There are many places you can legally get articles and publish more blog posts on your blog without writing a word

And I am going to show you 4 places to begin with:

1. Content Development Pros

On Content development pros you will order professional writers to ghostwrite your blog post and optimize it for search engines

All you have to do is give them your topic or keywords and they will do the rest

They will add your keywords in the introduction, first and last paragraph and in the whole post naturally and your post will be proofread by professionals

If you want you can let them publish your post directly on your blog,

Great isn’t it?

This way your readers will enjoy fresh content and you will only pay $11.95 per blog post

Your readers will not even notice that you aren’t the one who wrote the post.

They also offer various services such as creating ebooks, web designing, product descriptions, SEO and many more.

They also offer guest posting services, you either choose or they will recommend big blogs to work with

Are you interested in working with a professional team to grow your blog?

2. Articoolo

If you like using artificial intelligence then Articoolo is going to be your #1 assistant

It’s a content generating tool which is programmed to write unique content like a human

I won’t say much below is how the developers of the software describe how it works:

First, it will analyze and understand the context of your topic. For instance if you wanted it to write an article about “The appliance variety of Apple”, the algorithm will understand first that “Apple” in this context is a name of a corporation, not a fruit.

After understanding the context of your topic, it will find the best base resources, and extract sentiment and important keywords. The software will then find related content based on sentiment and main keywords, reconstructing everything to one coherent piece of text.

Then it will rewrite the text using NLP engine for multi-level semantic identification and verify its readability.

At the end of the process, which won’t take more than a minute, you will have a completely unique, coherent starting point for your article.

Articoolo developers

Interesting right?

I don’t want you to rack your head trying to understand this software so we are going to test it together and generate one article

First you login to Articoolo and type in your desired keywords

How To Cheat On Your Readers Without Feeling Guilty: articoolo content generating tool screenshot

I want a post about affiliate marketing, so I will write affiliate marketing

Before generating your content make sure you select the language you want and on the right corner click ‘enhance uniqueness

Then click create to generate your article

Articoolo dashboard

As you can see Articoolo provides optional topics to choose that are relevant to your keywords.

I have selected affiliate marketing tutorial and generated an article which I am going to show you below

I did not edit it in any way, read it and see if Articoolo is worth it

Affiliate Marketing Tutorial

Overview – This is the very first of a three part tutorial series that’s going to focus on how your affiliate internet marketing activities may be taken by you.

When a visitor that you deliver to the offer takes the required action, the product creator\/owner makes money. You are paid a percentage of their revenue when they do so.

There are various advantages to the affiliate internet marketing business model. You can become an affiliate marketer almost immediately as you do not need product or your own service to sell. 

In addition, it isn’t absolutely necessary to have an internet site of your very own either, although in many situations, it’s sensible to have your very own site as you’ll see.

The fact you could market with no website implies that it is possible to begin earning money as an affiliate of choosing to do so in five minutes.

Another advantage of affiliate internet marketing is that you do not need a lot of cash to get started either.

In fact, if you have time on your hands, you can promote your business completely free. You may begin before spending any money, generating an income. 

This doesn’t however mean that affiliate internet marketing is a free business.

On the flip side, since there’s always a cost with regards to your time or cash, one drawback of affiliate internet marketing is that if you don’t make any sales, you are down to actually the offer.

So long as you tailor strategy and your advertising efforts promoting as an affiliate and understand this may be a really lucrative enterprise.

Affiliate internet marketing is frequently seen something new entrepreneurs get into moving on to other stuff, as a company.

This impression is however misleading like many extremely experienced on-line marketers still make a lot of cash by promoting products as an affiliate. 

Indeed, there’s an elite group of affiliates who on a regular basis make millions of dollars every year via their affiliate internet marketing efforts.

There’s therefore no way that affiliate internet marketing is a business for on-line beginners only. That is a fact which will be emphasized through this tutorial series.

In fact, what you’ve read so far was designed to be nothing more than a recap of some of actually the fundamentals of affiliate internet marketing that I’m sure you already know. 

Nevertheless, now that I’m sure that we’re sing through the same song sheet, lets begin to crank things up to another level.

Its A Real Business – Most affiliate internet marketing beginners have a tendency to approach their on-line advertising activities for a hobby or for a pastime which may be picked up and down again as when they see fit.

What do you think?

Personally, I think this article isn’t bad but it needs some tweaks

You can use Grammarly to check grammar errors, spellings and plagiarism

Did I mention that you can try Articcolo for free?

Oh yeah you can generate your first article for free if you use this link

Wanna give Articoolo a try?

3. PLR Products

PLR products are getting more popular these days

PLR stands for Private label Rights

This means you will purchase blog posts, eBooks, courses, sales pages or even printables which are already written and you use them like they’re your own

You’ll be free to rebrand the products and you will choose whether you want to share the information for free or sell it and make money

You can also use PLR products to start and grow your email list without any effort

There’re lots of bloggers who have used PLR Products from day one to years of blogging and some of them are now six-figure bloggers

The only downside of PLR Products is that they are so popular that you obviously buy articles that were already bought and published by hundreds of bloggers

That being said, you’ll have to make sure that you tweak the posts until they’re so unique so that you won’t get a red flag for posting duplicate content on your blog

The best place to get PLR Products is PLR

I love that their products aren’t free which means they aren’t on everybody’s hands as compared to other PLR sites and they constantly add new quality content

And the good thing…You get 10-25 articles for only $2.99

4. Fiverr

The services you will find on Fiverr are similar to Content Development Pro but the difference is some of the Fiverr freelancers are rookie writers whereas all Content development pro writers are skilled and professional

Fiverr is a marketplace for freelancers and you can pay as little as $5 for a 1000 word article

So if you are under budget you can take your time and search for a perfect freelancer on Fiverr because not all Fiverr freelancers are amateur

The best way to pick the right freelancer on Fiverr is by asking for a sample and also checking her/his reviews

Do you want to work with Fiverr freelancers?

Wrapping it up

These are the perfect methods to help you publish more blog posts without writing a word,

When you are in a business of blogging, make your readers your first priority and avoid starving them

Always remember to keep your readers around no matter what and avoid disappointing them in any way.

You can’t spend the whole year with just one post.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with buying content,

After all, you want to impress your readers, even big bloggers buy content sometimes

What’s wrong is copying other people’s content and pasting it on your site

Do you have any methods or ideas to add? Please drop a few lines below I really love hearing from you

Feel free to ask any question(s). I am always ready to help

If you like this post kindly share with your friends and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest

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