How To Create A Service Agreement In WordPress

How To Create A Service Agreement In WordPress

(Last Updated On: )

Do you offer services on your blog? 

Or maybe you want to start offering services? 

If your answer is yes, then this post is for you

Offering services on your blog is one of the most effective methods of monetizing your blog 

Bloggers are making thousands of dollars every month just from the services they offer such as managing Pinterest accounts, creating websites from scratch, coaching etc

That being said, you need to be using service agreements every time you work with your clients

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How To Create A Service Agreement In WordPress

Why You Need A Service Agreement 

A service agreement is essential for your business blog for various reasons:

  • It establishes legal rights for you and your client
  • It addresses how issues will be handled if they occur
  • Helps your client know what to expect when working with you
  • Helps your client understand what are their responsibilities in the transaction
  • States how long you will be offering services to your client
  • Builds a relationship between you and the client

How To Create A Service Agreement In WordPress (With A Digital Signature)

After presenting your service agreement to your client she will have to add her signature in order to show that she agrees with your terms

Not long ago, the process of getting your service agreement signed used to be time-consuming

Sometimes you would end up printing, faxing or scanning the documents

Or spend time sending emails back and forth just to have your documents signed

But now it’s easy for your clients to sign your contracts directly on your WordPress blog

WPForms’ has a signature addon which allows your clients to easily sign your service agreement using their mouse or touch screen

draw signatures on wpforms

WPForms is a WordPress Contact Form plugin which is constantly upgraded

This plugin is no longer just a contact form plugin you can get a LOT of stuff done with it such as creating polls, surveys, etc

In this post, I am going to show you how to create a service agreement with a digital signature using WPForms’ signature addon

Step 1- Create Your Service Agreement Page

When it comes to creating service agreements some businesses hire Lawyers to create it for them to make sure that everything is written correctly and avoid legal issues

But not all businesses can afford a lawyer, if that’s your case you can easily search on Google and write it up by yourself

To create your service agreement page: on your WordPress dashboard go to pages>> add new and write your service agreement

After writing your service agreement page click save draft, we will come back to that page later

Now let’s create your signature form

Step 2: Create Your Signature Form Using WPForms

I guess you already use WPForms for your contact forms

Don’t have WPForms yet?

That’s ok

On your WordPress dashboard go to plugins >> add new >> type in WPForms >> install and activate

Now you need to install the signature add-on to allow users to submit digital signatures as part of the agreement

To install a signature addon: follow this guide and use the same process I used to install a survey addon

Now activate the signature addon

activate wpforms signature addon

After installing your signature addon you need to create a form, this tutorial on how to create a contact form will help you get started

In this case, we are going to use a blank form so that we can create a WordPress service agreement form from scratch

select a blank form to create a signature form

Now head over to the Fancy field section and click on the Signature button >> drag and drop it where you want to place the signature field

Add a signature addon for your service agreement

Click on the Signature form field if you want to make some changes and don’t forget to set the field as required so that your clients won’t submit your form unless they add a signature

Once done click on the save button on the top right corner

Add required field to your signature form field

Step 3: Configure Your Form Settings

You need to configure your form settings before adding it to your service agreement page

Configure your signature form's settings

Here are some of the settings you can configure on your WordPress form:

  • General-Here you can change your form’s name, description, submit button copy and you can also enable spam-prevention features to keep your website safe from spam form submissions
  • Notifications-A notification will automatically send an email to you once a form is submitted
  • Confirmation- A confirmation message will be displayed to your clients once they submit a service agreement form on your blog

Remember to click SAVE every time you make changes to any of your form’s settings

Step 4: Add A Signature Form To Your Service Agreement And Publish

Back to your service agreement draft:

Now let’s add your signature form to your service agreement >> click on the (add block) (+) icon >> search for the WPForms block and click on it

Add signature form to your service agreement

Select your signature form from the dropdown box to add it to your service agreement page

select your signature form from the dropbox to add it to your service agreement

Hit Publish and you are done!

Congrats! your service agreement is not live on your WordPress blog

There You Have It

Now you know how to create your own service agreement form in WordPress with a digital signature

I’m proud of you

Remember you can also create a reader survey, contact form, a poll or even a job application form with WPForms

This plugin is designed to save your time

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with WPForms today and get your stuff done in time

Do you have any questions about this powerful WordPress forms plugin? feel free to leave a comment bellow

I hope this post helped you, please show some love kindly share with your peeps and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest

Sharing is caring!

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