How to reduce form abandonment in WordPress

How To Reduce Form Abandonment In WordPress: Simple Step-by-Step

(Last Updated On: )

Do you have a contact form on your WordPress Blog,

Or maybe an order form, free quote form, you name it?

I understand you poured your heart and soul crafting those forms with the hope of getting amazing results

You wanted to connect with your readers on a more personal level

You were expecting high conversions

But sadly, you aren’t getting the best results

No one is filling out your forms, you think?

That’s not the case

Chances are, some of your readers who click to fill in your forms, for some reason, they abandon your form and bounce to never return

This happens to almost every blog that collects data from folks using a web form

This is known as “form abandonment”

It’s a serious threat to your online success

Luckily there is an easy way to get rid of form abandonment in WordPress and that’s what this post is all about

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How To Reduce Form Abandonment In WordPress Using WPForms

If you’ve been following this blog I am sure you have read a post on how to create a contact form using WPforms in less than 5 min

And how WPForms makes it easy to create a reader survey on your blog

This plugin is meant to make your blogging life easier

The WPForms team understands how important it is for you to collect leads and sales

And they have created a form abandonment addon that allows you to track form abandonment and send follow up emails to folks who left without completing their form

Ahh, what would we do without WPForms?

I personally recommend every serious blogger to have WPForms Pro

It’s essential if you really want to get the best out of your forms

The WPForms team is always upgrading this plugin with some cool addons

Now let’s use the form abandonment addon:

Step 1: Install and Activated WPForms

It’s very easy to install and activate WPForms, follow this guide and you are good within minutes

If you already have WPForms, on your admin panel >> Go to WPForms >> Addons >> Install Form Abandonment Addon

Install the form abandonment addon

Step 2: Create A Form

After activating your form abandonment addon create any form as you would normally do

Follow this guide if you don’t know how to create a form with WPForms

Remember there are countless forms you can create with WPForms:

  • Suggestion forms
  • Newsletter signup forms
  • Contact forms
  • Survey forms
  • Free quote forms
  • Membership forms
  • Order forms etc

And the good thing is, you can use this form abandonment addon on any form of your choice

Step 3: Enable Form Abandonment

Now that you have created your form and it’s ready to go live

It’s time to enable the form abandonment feature

While you are still in the WPForms editor >> click settings >> form abandonment and click the checkbox (enable form abandonment lead capture) to enable the feature

Enable the form abandonment addon

Don’t forget to save your form, click the button at the top right and you are done!

Step 4: Add Your Form To Pages/Posts

This is a final step

Now that you have created your form and activated the form abandonment feature it’s time to make it available for your readers

I’m going to show you two easy ways to do this:

a) Create a unique page for the form

You can create a stand-alone URL that carries your form using WPForms editor

You will be able to design your page and brand your form by adding your logo and brand colours

Now let’s create a page for the form:

Whilst on your WPForms editor >> click settings >> click the form pages option >> enable form pages mode >> design your page and save

Create a page for your form

b) Add your form on WordPress using the Gutenberg editor

It’s easy to add your form using WordPress Gutenberg editor :

Click the Add block (plus) icon >> search for WPForms (using the search box) >> click on it and you are done!

Add your form on WordPress Using Gutenberg

Now you can sit back relax and get the best out of your forms without a hassle


As you can see WPForms has made it easy for you to grow your business by creating this form abandonment addon

The days of having low conversions are over

You can now automatically send follow-up emails to folks who have abandoned your forms

How cool is that?

Grab this plugin and run your blog like a boss

Over to you

Do you have any questions about this intelligent feature? feel free to leave a comment below

I hope this post helped you, please show some love kindly share with your peeps and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest

Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “How To Reduce Form Abandonment In WordPress: Simple Step-by-Step”

    1. Hi Malaney, so glad you are enjoying this blog. Unfortunately, I’m not yet on Twitter you can follow me on Pinterest. thanks

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