How to add a Google Analytics stats dashboard on WordPress

How To Add A Google Analytics Stats Dashboard In WordPress

(Last Updated On: )

Do you want to see your WordPress blog’s stats at a glance without running back and forth on Google Analytics?

Google Analytics helps you with statistics on how people find and use your blog so that you can find the tactics to keep them coming back

Imagine how cool it is to get those stats right inside your WordPress dashboard? 

In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how to add a Google Analytics stats dashboard on your WordPress blog 

How to add a Google Analytics stats dashboard on WordPress

Why Add A Google Analytics Stats Dashboard In WordPress

I’m sure you already know and use Google Analytics

It’s a free tool created for site owners (you included) which provides information on how folks interact with your websites

This information will help you understand your readers and will give you ideas on how you can keep them coming

Normally you can create your Google Analytics account and view your reports by logging into your Analytics account

But this can become boring and time-consuming as time goes because you will have to leave your blog (this means leaving everything you are doing on your blog) and log in to another site (Google Analytics) to check your stats

That’s not all, Google Analytics is a bit complicated you will have to spend LOTS of time hunting for the right information you need

In other words, it requires massive digging to get to the good information you want and most newbies won’t manage to get this far

They end up neglecting Google analytics and stop logging in to their accounts which will badly affect their blog growth

I don’t want you to be one of them 

Always keep in mind that Google Analytics is a powerful tool and you need it regardless of it being hard to understand

Luckily you can simply add a stats dashboard to your WordPress blog and get rid of all the Google Analytics challenges

Without wasting more time let me show you how you can add a Google analytics stats dashboard in WordPress

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How To Add A Google Analytics Stats Dashboard In WordPress

For us to successfully add a stats dashboard in WordPress we need a lightweight powerful WordPress plugin for Google Analytics

And the only plugin which is trusted by millions of WordPress users is MonsterInsights

I personally use it and I LOVE it

You need at least a MonsterInsights premium version for you to get all the goodies this plugin has to offer

Visit the MonsterInsights website and download the plugin

Don’t know how to install a plugin? Follow this guide

After installing and activating the plugin you will see an Insights menu added to your WordPress dashboard

Click Insights >> settings and enter your plugin license key

Note: You can find your licence key under your account on the MonsterInsights website

Enter your MonsterInsights license key

After verifying your license key you need to connect your site with your Google Analytics account

Simply Click connect MonsterInsights 

Connect MonsterInsights with Google Analytics

You will be directed to your Google accounts page 

From there you will be asked to select a Google account to continue to MonsterInsights

Remember to select the account you used for creating your analytics account

Choose your Google account

You will be asked to allow MonsterInsights to access your Analytics account, click Allow to allow permission

After that, you will need to select the profile for your site and confirm that you are not a robot by clicking the I’m not a robot checkbox. Then click complete authentication 

That’s it! The setup process is complete. You will be redirected back to your WordPress dashboard

Viewing Your WordPress Stats Dashboard

Now that you’ve successfully added Google Analytics on your blog using MonsterInsights you can see your analytics on your WordPress dashboard

MonsterInsights adds two types of WordPress reporting dashboard widgets:

  1. MonsterInsights Dashboard Widget
  2. MonsterInsights Custom Dashboard

Now let’s check out the MonsterInsights dashboard widget first

Viewing Your Blog’s Stats In MonsterInsights’ Dashboard Widget

MonsterInsights’ Dashboard Widget makes it easy to view your most important stats at a glance as you can simply view them right in your WordPress dashboard

When you visit your WordPress admin panel you will see the dashboard widget 

The dashboard widget shows you an overview report for your blog by default

The report includes:

  • Total sessions and pageviews for the last 30 days 
  • Average session duration
  • New vs returning visitors report 
  • Top Posts/pages on your blog
  • The bounce rate for your blog
  • Devices break down

The plugin shows you the stats for the last 30 days by default but you can also view the stats for the last 7 days by selecting it from the drop-down button

The widget is highly customizable you can also choose to show additional reports 

For example, you can add tabs from the Publishers report and eCommerce report to the dashboard widget by clicking the settings icon 

That’s not all, you can also view the dashboard widget reports in full-screen mode 

To change the view to full screen >> click the blue cursor between the days switching drop down and the settings icon

Now let’s check out the MonsterInsights’ custom dashboard

Viewing Your Blog Stats In MonsterInsights’ Custom Dashboard

MonsterInsights’ custom dashboard is your go-to place for your blog’s complete analytics report 

In other words, it is your Google Analytics dashboard inside your WordPress dashboard

To view your custom reports:

On your WordPress dashboard >> visit Insights >> reports and you will see your blog’s entire Analytics reports

First, you will see the Overview report that includes all your pageviews, top 10 countries, bounce rate, top posts/pages and many more

You will also see 5 more tabs on the top of the report, they’re the other categories of your analytics report and they will help you understand your website traffic stats

Here’re the metrics you will find in MonsterInsights’ custom reports

  1. Publishers Report – Your top landing pages, top exit pages, outbound links, affiliate links, downloads etc
  2. Search console report – Top 50 Google search terms for your site with the details of clicks, impressions, CTR and average position
  3. eCommerce report– Your WooCommerce or Easy digital downloads powered shop’s conversion rate
  4. Overview report – total sessions, page views, bounce rate, top posts etc
  5. Custom dimensions report
  6. Forms Tracking report – Your WordPress forms conversions, impressions and conversion rate for each form

In A Nutshell

MonsterInsights makes it super easy for you to view your blog stats directly on your WordPress dashboard 

And the MonsterInsights’ Google Analytics stats are easy to understand. Even a complete beginner will understand them

The bottom line is MonsterInsights is a must-have WordPress plugin if you seriously want to track and grow your blog like a boss

I highly recommend you to get MonsterInsights and grow your blog without a hassle

Have questions or recommendations? feel free to drop a comment below

I hope this post helped you, please show some love kindly share with your peeps and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest

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