Let me guess, you don’t have a blog but interested in affiliate marketing
Or maybe you don’t wanna blog but you want to add more money in your bank account
You look for killer ways to make real money online and everybody is telling to start a blog
Now it’s driving you crazy
I feel ya sweetheart
It’s not a crime that you don’t like blogging
And it mustn’t stop you from changing your life and live a good life
In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how you can make money online without a blog
Since you want to make a real income (not a few bucks for a cup of coffee) I’m going to show you exactly how you can achieve that with affiliate marketing
Wondering What the heck is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is selling or marketing a product on behalf of a brand and you either get rewarded in cash or product when someone makes a purchase
In simple terms, affiliate marketing is when you get rewarded for sending traffic or customers to a brand/website
For this post’s sake, I’m going to show you how you can make money with affiliate marketing (this means you will get rewarded in cash) without a blog
How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
Affiliate marketing is simple and straightforward
As I said earlier you will be rewarded for driving traffic or sending customers to a website/brand
Let’s pretend I’m a brand and I have a product that I want to sell to a larger audience
Or I have a membership site that I want people to join
For me to get more sales and signups I recruit affiliates
These affiliates are peeps who will promote the product or my site
I will give them unique links to use on their sites or social media platforms and the links will direct customers/members to my site/product
If it’s a membership site they will refer people (using a unique affiliate link) and I will compensate them when their referrals join my membership site
And if it’s a product I will either give them a commission for selling the product or let them use the product for free
here’s the math:
You (the affiliate) + Marketing = Affiliate Marketing
Get it? Now let’s get to the bucks
Some links in this section are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission to buy toys for my kids if you use these links. You will not be charged extra. I only recommend high-quality products and I don’t recommend them based on the small amount I earn if you decide to make a purchase
Types Of Affiliate Marketing Income
There are different types of affiliate marketing income
And I’m going to discuss two types
There is passive (recurring) income which is popular on membership sites
You earn money by referring someone to a membership site and if that someone joins on a monthly or yearly plan you keep earning a commission whenever your referral pays for his/her membership
This type of income stream is a game-changer especially if your referral enjoys the services
You will keep earning money till your referral gets old
A good example of a platform where you can earn recurring affiliate income is Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is a membership platform where people are trained to become professional affiliate marketers
Their training can transform a complete novice into a pro affiliate marketer
The platform is open for everyone, even those who have never heard of the word Affiliate, so it’s a good platform to promote
Your aunty who is always taking surveys online just to make a few bucks will love to join
Wealthy Affiliate has a free and premium membership
The good thing is, both free and premium members earn a commission when their referrals upgrade
But their commissions are different
Here’s how it works,
They have 2 types of payment plans on WA the first one is a monthly plan which costs $19 (special offer) on the first month and $49 thereafter
The premium members will earn $8 for the special offer and $23.50 thereafter and the free members will earn $4 for the special offer then $11.75 thereafter
The second payment plan is paid yearly for $359
Premium members earn $175 and free members earn $87.50 yearly recurring
The good part is you don’t need a blog to join Wealthy Affiliate and if you decide to join and upgrade you will get access to all the WA resources plus training
Wanna check out WA?
Guess what? I’m also a WA member if you join you will meet me inside
Back to our types of affiliate marketing income
The second one is a one time commission
It’s self-explanatory when your referral makes a purchase you get paid once and that’s all
This is common on product-based affiliate programs
How To Make Money Affiliate Marketing Without A Blog
Now let me answer the million-dollar question
But before I tell you how you can make money affiliate marketing without a blog,
Bear in your beautiful mind that not all affiliate marketing programs are open for siteless members (lol love the word siteless never heard of it but it makes sense)
So do check the requirements before joining ’cause I don’t want you to be disappointed
You can simply search for affiliate programs on Google, in the search box type in your interest/topic+affiliate you will get a trillion affiliate marketing programs
Now let’s move on, here’s how you can make money affiliate marketing without a blog:
Share Your Affiliate Links On Social Media
It’s time to get paid for being social!
Promote your affiliate links on social media
But don’t just pour your links everywhere, tell your followers why you think the product you are promoting is cool and how it can change their lives
People have huge problems and some of them don’t even realize they have problems unless someone tells them
So be that someone and give them a solution to their problem
For example, if you want to promote Wealthy Affiliate to your aunty who is always taking online surveys
Let her know that those surveys won’t buy her a car but if she becomes a WA member and refers 10 people every week she will buy a new car in no time and she will get expert affiliate marketing training
That was just an example sweetheart, Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a get rich quick scheme
Promote Your Affiliate Links On Pinterest
Do you have a Pinterest account?
It’s high time you turn that account into a business account
No worries it’s free
If you’ve been using Pinterest to search for some recipes and some cool DIY tutorials change that
You can make real money with Pinterest, all you have to do is to create boards and pins for your affiliate marketing business
Then add your affiliate links in the URL box and remember to disclose that your pin has an affiliate link
Simply add #aff or #affiliate on the description, that’s it
Oh yes Pinterest isn’t social media sweetheart
It’s a visual search engine, no one get’s social on Pinterest, they search for what they want like what they do on Google
And if you take advantage of that you can make good money
Recommend Your Affiliate Products To Your Family And Friends
This doesn’t have anything to do with social media
Simply recommend your products to your friends and family or ask them to purchase so that you earn a commission
They’re close to you remember so they’ll definitely support you
To make this effective ask them to pass on the links to their friends as well
This method won’t make you rich but at least you will pocket a few bucks
Tik-Tok Tik-Tok It’s Time To Make Money Affiliate Marketing Without A Blog
The days of feeling sorry for yourself because of not having a blog are over
You don’t need a blog to generate affiliate marketing income
Take advantage of your social profiles and your Pinterest account
But seriously I really want you to join me on Wealthy Affiliate, it’s an amazing platform
It can change your life for reals
Now the cool part, let’s discuss
Have you ever tried affiliate marketing without a blog, how did you do it, did you make money or it didn’t work? drop a few lines in the comment box I seriously wanna hear from you
Mathea Ford is a blogger, dietitian and mom of 2 just working on this blog to make life a little better for those around me. Check out her latest posts
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